About Dominic Fieldus
Hastings Osteopath Dominic Fieldus initially trained at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London gaining a Osteopathic and Naturopathic medical qualification Ost. Med. N.D. D.O. As a fully qualified Osteopath, Dominic is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) – the professional body that governs osteopaths.
Dominic is currently working towards a Master’s Degree in Pain Management, in the final year at University College London (UCL). UCL is currently ranked 1st in the UK (2024) as a good university, and voted 6th best university globally for education in medical sciences, as well as ranking 9th globally in World University Rankings.
Dominic has built a sound reputation and receives the majority of patients from word of mouth recommendation. He always takes time to explain the root cause of the problem and adapts his approach according to the needs of each individual. He also provides useful advice on pain management, lifestyle, mind management, posture and exercises that can reduced the likelihood of problems occurring in the future.
Hastings Acupuncture Dominic Fieldus has been trained by the British Medical Acupuncture Society to perform medical acupuncture. For certain patients he uses acupuncture either with Osteopathic and Integrated Pain Management techniques or on its own, tailoring each patient’s treatment individually.
Dominic is also able to offer Transformational Life Coaching and Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, he also has accreditation in Mindfulness Coaching.
Coaching provides a non-judgemental, open, collaborative and confidential space between Dominic and his clients to help those clients focus on their own thoughts, challenges, outcomes and goals.
Coaching is a powerful way of exploring our personal beliefs and values and how these are shaping our experience of life, and our behaviours. Coaching enables a journey of self-exploration which can give us greater self-awareness, and examine and reshape many areas of our lives.
Dominic leads a support group for women with Chronic Pelvic Pain. Group meetings are currently held in Hastings on a regular basis and are in-person. We discuss all things related to coping and living with Chronic Pelvic Pain. New members are welcome – contact Dominic at his clinic if you would like to know more about the support group.
If you are a clinician with limited knowledge in this area of pain management, and would like to know more or would like to attend a meeting please contact Dominic at his clinic .
Clinicians who are already knowledgeable and have experience of working with patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain and would be interested in educating the group as a guest speaker please contact Dominic.